6 Employee Recognition Ideas Your Team Will Rave About

2 min read
Nov 15, 2014

8974455916_e4d5d17f42_oStill using “employee of the month” walls? What about end of the year bonuses? Think falling back on cash is the best way to motivate your employees? You’re wrong. These traditional approaches aren’t bad, but it’s time to up your game. Take a closer look at how to really get your team energized.  

Drive innovative behavior with these updated employee recognition ideas. Whether you manage a team of one or a whole bunch of people, there is no excuse not to try out some of the ideas below.


Keep it casual: For companies that usually insist on formal attire, give your employees an opportunity to dress it down for a while. Make jeans the norm and encourage a more casual work environment.

Family day: Set aside one day every month or each quarter to allow families to stop by for the afternoon. Provide lunch and give tours of the office so family members can learn more about what their loved ones do.

Innovation: Reserve a day every so often for employees to work on passion projects. This boost in creativity will be a win-win for everyone. Sit back and watch the ideas take form.


Training: Enrichment opportunities shouldn’t be limited to top performers. Offer further training in the field or send employees to a conference. Bonus if the location feels more like a mini vacation.

Commute on me: Getting access to the primo parking spot at work will never get old. Offer up the best parking, provide free public transport for a week, or give out a gas card to help cover commuting costs.

Make it personal: A thank you note or public shout out can go a long way to celebrate the little wins. Take it a step further and take your employee out to lunch or coffee to discuss their outstanding performance and make it a point get to know them personally.


There is no downside to investing in your employees. Especially when you consider that only 21% of employees feel strongly valued at work. Test out new ideas, be open to feedback, and begin recognizing your employees for a job well done. After all, a happy employee is a happy bottom line.



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