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Hi there, 

I have a hard time saying "no". My highest work value is helpfulness, so I'm quick to jump in on assisting other team members, sometimes at the expense of my most critical work.

My role model for saying "no" is Prem Kumar, TINYpulse's Senior Director of Product (and a future awesome CEO). Prem's brilliant at focusing on the numbers he owns and getting stuff done. You've probably seen the effects of that in lots of great product updates. 

One of the links below covers the results of a Gartner survey of 2,800 leaders - it found that only half agreed they were "well-equipped to lead their organization in the future".

That got me thinking about leadership, and specifically, what not to do. There's plenty of advice on what leaders should be doing - but what they don't do may be just as important.


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What we're reading about leadership:


Two professionals consult a document under a light-filled window.

The Leadership Development Tool You Aren’t Using

Your managers know they should use a coaching style with their team members, hold career conversations, say “thank you” more often, leverage everyone’s strengths. Yet they don’t. 

A par of eyes peeks out from between venetian blinds propped open by a hand.

6 Warning Signs of Bad Leadership You Should Never Ignore

Blind spots are the Achilles' heel to achieving someone's full human leadership potential, and unless people address them, they'll remain stuck.

A rabbit turns away from an offered carrot.

Does Your Leadership Style Scare Your Employees?

Most of us have experienced the misery of working for a boss who intimidates employees while charming superiors and customers. But it’s hard to figure out if you may be that kind of boss. 

An open work notebook on a table, crowded with productive implements.

12 Tales Of Leadership: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

If you talk to friends and family and ask them their reasons for changing their working situation, poor management comes up time and time again. 

Employees' silhouettes darken a windowpane.

Half of leaders face a 'confidence crisis' in their ability to lead

Only 50% of employees have confidence that their leaders can drive their organizations forward into the future, a new Gartner survey revealed. But it turns out leaders aren't confident in themselves, either [...] 

Vanessa Van Edwards smiles at the camera.

8 Skills All Leadership Trainings Should Teach Managers

A good leadership training will guide you through identifying your core leadership practice and mission.


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